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(2811) Bumpass English Tutors

Find Bumpass English tutors, lessons, classes, teachers and schools. Local in person private tutoring in Bumpass; have tutors come to your location or meet them at theirs. The service providers listed may offer group classes or be a private tutor, so rates and qualifications will vary. Be sure to consult with providers to ensure that they offer the services you require.

Alyssa K. offers ESL Tutoring in richmond

Alyssa K. offers ESL Tutoring in richmond

I'm currently an arts major at VCU. I've been drawing for almost all my life, and am a language enthusiast. I love the feeling of knowing that someone is gaining knowledge because of me. I want to give people the chance to learn what I didn't have the chance to when I was in their situation. I'm looking to be the missing link for people who want to learn English but haven't found the perfect conversation partner to do so. All of my classes for English will be online. I will speak to you at t Read more

Teaches: ESL, TOEFL
15 / hr