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Sammy B.

Learn English in Philadelphia with Sammy

  • $50 / h
  • Philadelphia , PA ( 19104 )
Would you like to improve your spoken or written English? I'm Sammy from philadelphia and I can help you learn English better and quicker. I pride myself on taking personal interest in students achieving their true potential. ... contact me

I graduated in May 2016 from Pomona College, Claremont, California. I am a Chemistry major. Currently, I work at the University of Pennsylvania as a Research Specialist in the Translational and Genomic Research centre located at 34th and Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA. At the moment a lot of the Research and work that I do are the field of Genetic Sequencing and Human Physiology.I took numerous Science and Math classes as requirements for my Chemistry major in College. I have always been

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