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Nicholas P.

Learn English in Philadelphia with Nicholas

  • $80 / h
  • Philadelphia , PA ( 19147 )
Would you like to improve your spoken or written English? I'm Nicholas from philadelphia and I can help you learn English better and quicker. I pride myself on taking personalized interest in students achieving their true potential. ... contact me

"I was not prepared for college!" I went to very good public schools with lots of resources but I graduated HS reading and writing at a 9th grade level. When I got to college I was scared enough to do whatever it took just to stay above water. For biology I had to draw all the pictures. For Computer Science I remember definitions, acronyms. On multiple choice tests I shined in any class. Still, by sophomore year, I was told "You'll never get into grad school unless you learn to write better.

college counseling



SAT reading

SAT writing