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Zachary W.

Learn English in Chicago with Zachary

  • $45 / h
  • Chicago , IL ( 60602 )
Do you want to enhance your spoken or written English? I'm Zachary from chicago and I can help you learn English better and faster. I pride myself on taking personalized interest in students achieving their true potential. ... contact me

To whom it may concern,My name is Zachary. I am a scientific visionary motivated to live a highly autonomous life developing devices to improve the overall health of humanity. I graduated from The Johns Hopkins University in Materials Science & Engineering with dual emphases in biomaterials and nanotechnology. Though I focused primarily on academics those five years, obtaining a 3.92 GPA at the University of Utah for my first two years of undergraduate education and a 3.74 GPA at Hopkins for

algebra 1

algebra 2



organic chemistry