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(1031) Edmonds English Tutors

Find Edmonds English tutors, lessons, classes, teachers and schools. Local in person private tutoring in Edmonds; have tutors come to your location or meet them at theirs. The service providers listed may offer group classes or be a private tutor, so rates and qualifications will vary. Be sure to consult with providers to ensure that they offer the services you require.

Terri G. offers ESL Tutoring in wenatchee

Terri G. offers ESL Tutoring in wenatchee

I'm patient and experienced in helping students with online learning, and those struggling with English and Psychology courses. We will work together to help you understand and learn the material in the style best suited for you. I have taught online and on-campus classes for nine years. I have a PhD in Human Services and a Master's in Education. I have worked with students who have English as a second language. My approach is such that we will find your strengths and needs in the subje Read more

Teaches: ESL, TOEFL
45 / hr