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(3331) Brunswick English Tutors

Find Brunswick English tutors, lessons, classes, teachers and schools. Local in person private tutoring in Brunswick; have tutors come to your location or meet them at theirs. The service providers listed may offer group classes or be a private tutor, so rates and qualifications will vary. Be sure to consult with providers to ensure that they offer the services you require.

Danielle K. offers ESL Tutoring in johnstown

Danielle K. offers ESL Tutoring in johnstown

I have experience working on collaborative animation projects, I'm highly experienced in Adobe Flash CS6, animation and I'm also experienced in storyboarding, character design, video editing, and film making. I'm also enthusiastic, self-motivated, and am very organized.I've also been a Girl Scouts leader, teaching crafts to kids ages 6-13. My position helped me connect to different age groups while providing enthusiasm and encouragement for my scouts and fellow leaders, as well as child car Read more

Teaches: ESL, TOEFL
15 / hr